Friday 28 December 2012

The Landslide Near Computertots


Computertots is a computer course that I go to in Malaysia. I live in Malaysia.


Me and my family were coming back from Computertots, then we saw a landslide.  We didn't see it happen, we saw the damage it had done to the house on top of the hill. I was the first person in my family to see it.


Half of the house was broken, there was lots of rubbish around the house, the cement that was around the hill was suppose to stop the landslide broke. My opinion about the cement that was suppose to stop the landslide must be very weak.


Sorry I didn't take a picture of the damage of the landslide. I couldn't because I didn't have time take my camera out. If I have another chance of taking a picture of it then I will upload it to my blog.


It is true. If I upload the picture to my blog you have to except it. No offence.      

The Tsunami in Aceh, 2004 video

Going all over the world : Introduction

Going all over the world is an adventure series. It is about two brothers that seek dangerous adventures around the world. Each dangerous adventure they succeed in they win gold or medals or trophies or silver etc. Rarely they win gold,medals,trophies,silver and other things in one adventure. CHARACTERS: The first character is a 12 year old boy named Fred, but many people call him Ultred. If you ask why it's because of his bravery, courage, sword fighting skills and his shooting skills with the machine gun. The second character is a 11 year old boy named Alex, but many people call him Magic-man even though his not a man. They name him that because he has magical powers. There will be more characters in each adventure. MAGICAL FLYING HOUSE:
This will come in episode one of Going all over the world.

Call of Duty: Iron Wolf

A pair of hackers that gained access to the Xbox account of a Treyarch employee believes they've stumbled across the next entry in the Call of Duty series, code named Iron Wolf. Are they on to something? The Iron Wolf speculation comes after hackers gained access to the Xbox Live account of an internal PartnerNet gamertag which appears to belong to an employee at Call of Duty developer Treyarch. Flipping through braindx0's friends list, they noticed a number of friends playing a game labeled as Iron Wolf. Their assumption, fueled by the fact that one of the maps being played in Iron Wolf shared a name with a map from Black Ops, is that these people were playing Call of Duty 9, code named Iron Wolf. The assumption strikes me as highly unlikely. The idea of a group of developers playing an upcoming game on a public network before the previous version has hit the market is ridiculous, especially when the franchise in question is Call of Duty. What could they be playing? That requires more speculation. With a map name shared with Call of Duty: Black Ops, they could just be testing tweaks for that game. With the Iron Wolf code name sharing initials with Infinity Ward, they could be playing an early build of Modern Warfare 3, perhaps for comparison to the Wii version of Modern Warfare 3, developed by Treyarch


I got this information from the internet.

Thursday 27 December 2012

The Tsunami in Aceh, Indonesia 2004

who d
For the Acehnese, dark memories of the Dec 26, 2004, tsunami will always linger given that the disaster took the lives of many of their relatives, friends and loved ones and wrecked havoc on their communities. Yesterday, the Acehnese spent time marking the Indian Ocean Boxing Day tsunami in different ways, mostly with mass prayers. Fishermen in Lam Pulo even decided not to go out to sea, having agreed to take a day off to commemorate the eighth anniversary of the disaster to show respect to those who died eight years ago seems just like yesterday for us, but whatever the challenge, I have to move on and support my family,” said Bahtiar, a fisherman, who lost two children in the tsunami. The tsunami, which struck Indonesia and other countries bordering the Indian Ocean, was triggered by a 9.0-magnitude earthquake, leaving more than 130,000 people dead in Aceh, 37,000 missing and 500,000 others displaced. Indonesia was the hardest-hit country in the disaster, followed by Sri Lanka, India and Thailand. The death toll, including those killed in other countries, topped 230,000.


I got this from the internet.

Friday 21 December 2012

The Old House

This house in Australia was haunted when Richard Waterson and his family died in this house in 1867. Since then this house has been haunted.

A team of ghost spotters, planted cameras all over the house in the year 2000. The next day they went back to the haunted house and they played the tape in their CD ROM DRIVE. They saw something paranormal in the tape. They told everybody that they saw something in the tape. By the time they played the tape, it was broken. Till this day the mystery is unsolved.

Friday 30 November 2012


I like awesome stories like  mystery stories, awesome and latest news stories and weird stories.

Examples :
  • Mystery- Ghost Mysteries
  • Awesome and Latest News-Big Tsunami and Latest  games 


  • Adventure series - Going all over the world.